The series shines a light on railroad crossing houses and their residents — women who work as traffic and safety officers.



Ladies /2020

Made by

Sasha Maslov

(check more about)

DURING LONG TRAIN rides across Ukraine as a kid in the 1990s, Sasha Maslov amused himself by leaning out the window, as far as possible, to glimpse what lay ahead.

The Creator

Sasha Maslov:

Ukrainain Railroad Ladies is a visual exploration of unnoticed phenomenon of the crossing houses and dive back into my childhood fascination with them.

Don’t forget about
By Troy Withcher

The Washington Post:

Meet the female railroad traffic controllers living in quirky houses alongside Ukraine’s railroad system

Fri 27 Mar 2020

The Guardian

Maslov’s project isn’t merely a series of portraits though, it is also a reflection of the landscape along the Ukrainian railway system, where the landscape is dotted with the charming exteriors, painted in pastels, of the homes where these women live.

Discover There are 100 ladies (and even more)
By Laura Mallonee


The allure will wear out on you very quickly if you’re actually working there,—Maslov says.Though from a visual perspective, I still find it magical.

Grab the book for more
The women spend most of their time in solitude, working 12-hour shifts every two or three days, depending on their location.
After war broke out in 2014, when Russian-backed separatists seized territory in eastern Ukraine, the crime rate rose throughout the country, and some of the railway buildings were vandalized.

Since then, some have been covered with protective wiring.
The country’s railway system has a total working mileage of over 22,000 kilometers (13,670 miles), making it the 13th-largest network in the world.
Ukraine’s first railroad line, built in 1861, connected Lviv, Cracow, and Vienna.
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In the storm, it’s often hard to see the lighthouse.

Ukrainian Railroad Ladies are that lighthouse. All about
Website development
Jason Bradley
Website design
Zhenya Rynzhuk
Sasha Maslov
All rights reserved